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Change Through International Cooperation

Change Through International Cooperation

International cooperation pursues global and sustainable development goals in order to shape a future worth living worldwide. Achieving these goals requires integrated and sustainable solutions. Our clients are institutions, companies, associations and NGOs. They work in cooperation systems with multi-stakeholders under challenging and fragile social, political and economic conditions.

 Constanze Aka

Constanze Aka

Senior Consultant

+49 (0) 211 513 69 73 - 24


Systemic and culturally sensitive counselling

In this context, a systemic and culturally sensitive consulting approach enables effective solutions to be developed. This is what we stand for at IMAP. We listen to you, ask lots of questions and work with you to develop customised solutions. In doing so, we take into account multiple influencing factors and players and their interactions within the system. Together we develop needs-orientated solutions.

We are committed to providing culturally sensitive support for change and transformation processes in an international context. We focus on gender & diversity, digital transformation, trade & sustainability as well as flight & migration. We specialise in the development of organisation, strategy, leadership and team. To this end, we support and realise projects and trainings in complex cooperation systems and fragile contexts.

The following links are currently available only in German:

International Cooperation Projects of IMAP worldwide

International Projects of IMAP worldwide

We are more than just consultants

As bridge builders, we break down barriers and create connections.

As a partner in transformation, we are at your side to provide stability in the change process.

As learning facilitators, we empower through innovative, agile and inclusive methods and approaches.


+49 (0)211-513 69 73-0

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